Undici preghiere
Hosted artist: Carlo Trucchi
Hosting family: Manuela Margutti
Town: Perugia
Address: 80, Via Enrico dal Pozzo
Period of residence: June – July 2016
Availability to view the artwork: Saturday and Sunday
Contact: info@artsweetart.net
I have spent the whole day talking about other people again
and the trees are watching me
as I go home
Ko Un
The artwork Undici preghiere (“Eleven prayers”) is the concretization of the meeting between Carlo Trucchi and Manuela Margutti, a path of mutual learning between an artist and a customer that was promoted by the Art Sweet Art project.
There is an imaginary path of river stones that leads from Carlo’s workshop, in the countryside around Arezzo, to Manuela’s house, in the heart of Perugia: it is an artwork with a deep relational meaning alongside an aesthetic harmony. Carlo picked eleven stones from the river, eleven thoughts, eleven whispered sentences, repeated and dedicated to Manuela, whose life was flowing elsewhere till then, but somehow marked by strong common experiences.
Carlo tells us that he often finds himself going down the river; and it is exactly there that “there is no perfect-shaped stone, there is instead the careful conscious and focused gesture that allows to pick every stone and make it meaningful and, therefore, perfect”. A ritual, a liturgy, repetitive and slow, as is nature.
This kind of gaze upon the world probably led Manuela to get to know in depth Carlo’s (poetics): they are bounded by a sensitive, confident and patient observation, able to seize the beauty and the power of transformation.
Carlo Trucchi observes the processes of decomposition and of reaction that occur in nature. He examines the cycles of regeneration of elements, he is able to seize the power and the balance of these changes. But it is not as simple as that. The artist manages to seize the right moment to intervene by including external elements, and by checking from time to time the variations that it implies. He grafts some noble materials, such as brass and copper, or some shrilling ones, such as tar. And then he observes. It is a research project with no certain outcomes.
He waits. He waits to grasp the new shape that emerges. He creates the conditions to unveil this harmony and offer it to the observers. When this process works well – when different elements find a new unexpected balance – he (secures) everything, often using an abundant flow of resin, one of his privileged materials.
In Eleven prayers Carlo’s approach, almost alchemic, leads to the composition of an ultra-natural shape, an unexpected graft made up of a shining trunk that reflects the light from the balcony, the house, the city and from eleven leaves; if you listen carefully, they still send back the echo of a whispered thought upon the flowing river.
It is a rare and protected species, generated by Carlo’s care and now entrusted to Manuela’s care. (Trad. Letizia Benvenuti)
- Manuela ha conosciuto Carlo prima sul sito www.artsweetart.net, poi ha visitato il suo studio / Manuela first saw on the website one of Carlo’s artworks and he then set up a study.
- Carlo ha raccontato la propria poetica e il proprio lavoro / Carlo telling about his own work
- A casa di Manuela hanno progettato insieme il tipo di opera da realizzare / In Manuela’s place they planned the artwork
- Manuela e Carlo hanno definito insieme dove installare l’opera / Manuela and Carlo jointly determined the location.
- Artista e committente hanno stabilito un’autentico dialogo / The artist and the customer established an authentic dialogue.
- Li accomuna la passione per la natura / A common feeling for nature bounds them
- Le rive dell’Arno hanno fornito la materia prima / The river Arno banks provided the original raw material for the artwork.
- La scultura in sasso / A stone sculpture.
- Undici pietre raccolte con cura / Eleven stones picked up carefully.
- Montaggio / Assembly.
- Montaggio / Assembly.
- L’opera nel suo ambiente naturale / The artwork in its natural habitat.